If there was no BlackBerry, there would be no AireSpring. And, no MTP-USA.
When I was running my first MTP company - MaritimeTechnologyPartners.com we needed to find a source for BlackBerry phones and service. From around the year 2000 it was obvious that BlackBerry was going to be a very big thing. Turned out that AireSpring was a major BlackBerry supplier, and we found our vendor.
In 2000 there were around 25,000 BlackBerry users globally. By December of 2012 the number grew to 80,000,000. It was the found in the holster on the belt of the most important people in the world. Former United States president Barack Obama became known for his dependence on a BlackBerry device for communication during his 2008 Presidential campaign. Despite the security issues, he insisted on using it even after inauguration. This was seen by some as akin to a "celebrity endorsement", which marketing experts have estimated to be worth between $25 million and $50 million. His usage of BlackBerry continued until around the end of his presidency. The Hillary Clinton email controversy is associated with Hillary Clinton continuing to use her black colored BlackBerry after assuming the office of Secretary of State.I still service the Maritime Industry - but no longer for BlackBerry phones and service.
In August 2022, it was announced that a docudrama film about the history of the BlackBerry brand, simply titled BlackBerry, had wrapped production. The film, written by Matt Johnson and Matthew Miller, was adapted from the book Losing the Signal: The Untold Story Behind the Extraordinary Rise and Spectacular Fall of BlackBerry.
AireSpring made the pivot away from BlackBerry and into the telecom game. I made the pivot away from the Maritime industry and into education. Selling and service TBLS - Technology Based Learning Systems. So MTP became MyTeachingPartners.com But AireSpring kept their name... AireSpring.Now in 2025 we are (still) a Master Agent for AireSpring, a company that has grown into one of the largest telecom and technology companies in North America. Some companies pivot, morph, change, adapt. Others fold. I guess that is my muse for today's Sunday Blog. Why do some companies shutter and others shine?
Until an hour ago, I had no idea what I was going to 'blog on' this Sunday morning. And then my wife said "look what I found" in the hall closet, still with the original box. And it took me down memory lane. I remember how BlackBerry was such a big deal - how some people (like the President of the United States) were almost addicted to using it - being connected to your email from anywhere, at any time.
June 29, 2007 was the birth of the Apple iPhone, and at that time there were 8,000,000 BlackBerry users around the world. As of 2023, there were an estimated 1.46 billion active iPhone users worldwide. At its peak in September 2011, there were 85 million BlackBerry subscribers worldwide. It has been years since I have seen a BlackBerry phone. Except in a junk drawer.
Today, in 2025 we service the Maritime Industry on a global basis addressing their telecom and technology needs via AireSpring Global. And via AireSpring Wireless. And we are still their Master Agent.
Just no more BlackBerry.
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