It's all about the date, eh?
We first met our friends at Domo at the US OPEN back in 2015. I remember it like it was yesterday, me yelling upstairs to my son: "Hey Tommy, do you want to go to the US OPEN on Thursday?" Being a MIS/IT major at the time, Tommy was jazzed to meet the folks from
I also remember going to Yankee Stadium with - again back in 2015. Once again it was "Hey Tommy, do you want to go to a Yankee game with me with the folks from" I'm pretty sure this time he yelled back from upstairs with not a simple yes but with a HELL YES. So now thinking about it, the Yankee Game with Domo was first (May 2015) and then the US OPEN (September, 2015).And now this past week, members of the attended a Domo Lunch 'n Learn in NYC at Rockefeller Center. By my best count, there was way more than a hundred DLA members LIVE in the room. The presentations were excellent from the leadership of Domo, as well as from many Domo customers who detailed their success stories.
One thing that was cool was I was able to also attend a mandatory online training with vendor/sponsor AireSpring. I was able to use one of the 'break-out rooms' setting up camp with my multi-screen laptop. So, attending the event LIVE LIVE with Domo and then LIVE (virtually) with AireSpring - on the same day - made me smile. I was on the AireSpring training on my phone - in the elevator - then on my laptop - seamless transition. I was so proud of myself- remote work - expert level. Ah, but I digress....
I knew back in 2015 that all things Domo would be an amazing fit for the community. The 'big data' movement was just taking off. The buzz about AI and our global business (and entertainment) future run by 'data' was just starting to take hold. I watched the BAIT major at RUTGERS (Business Analytics & Information Technology) go from zero students, to becoming one of the most popular majors in the university. This theme has held true for schools across the country.
Tommy could not attend last week's event at Rockefeller Center. It was not lost on me, that our country's first BILLIONAIRE made his money on OIL. And how it's been said that "Data is the New Oil." And how we were attending the Domo Lunch 'n Learn from the 27th floor of Rockefeller Plaza, a cathedral of business that was built from 'big oil' money and how now in 2024 we are talking about big DATA. And, how without data there would (could be) no AI.”In God we trust. All others must bring data.”
This quote, made by W. Edwards Deming, refers mainly to the importance of data measurement and analysis when doing business. While on the phone with Tommy this week, telling him all about the Domo event I gave him one of my personal witty quotes: "Reports are only important if read by the King." In other words, the data is only important if you are going to DO SOMETHING with the data.
So, let's land the plane, shall we?
It's all about the date, eh? Did you catch the pun? 2015 > 2024 and now we shall be offering all things Domo to the (now global) membership of the And, many of the 174K+ (K-20) schools of the DLA community are teaching 'data' and 'AI' via online classes.
Data related majors are the most popular areas of study in the 2024 (online) school year. Our schools can add Domo to Business Intelligence and Analytics courses and empower students with next-generation data skills. The NYDLA Domo for Higher Education program enables teaching Domo technologies to BI and Analytics students — at no cost to instructors or educational institutions. And it prepares students for a job market that demands data literacy and skills.
Ok, so now you are all up to date, eh?