Sunday, March 17, 2024

Where to sit?

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Hey ChatGPT: Where should I sit at the Snowflake Data for Breakfast in NYC?

Hey Tom! Sitting in the front row offers several advantages:

Better Engagement: When you're in the front row, you're closer to the action. This proximity can help you stay more engaged with the material being presented, whether it's a lecture, a performance, or a meeting.

Clearer View: Being in the front row ensures that you have an unobstructed view of the speaker or presenter. You won't have to strain your neck or squint to see what's happening, which can help reduce eyestrain and improve comprehension.

Reduced Distractions: Sitting in the front row can help minimize distractions from other attendees. You're less likely to be distracted by side conversations, movements, or other disruptions that may occur further back in the room.

Increased Interaction: Being close to the front makes it easier to interact with the speaker or presenter. You may feel more comfortable asking questions, participating in discussions, or seeking clarification on points that aren't clear.

Positive Impression: Sitting in the front row can convey a sense of attentiveness and eagerness to learn or engage with the topic at hand. This can be particularly important in professional or academic settings where perception matters.

Of course, whether sitting in the front row is the best option for you depends on your personal preferences and the specific context of the situation. However, it's worth considering the potential benefits of front-row seating when deciding where to position yourself.

I did. I always sit in the front row. Front row, center. Funny how that spot is usually available. Sometimes people sit in the last row, like any further back they would be outside. But I find it interesting that the front row, especially front row center usually goes begging. 

Not at a concert. Not at a Broadway Show, not at a sporting event. Courtside seats at an NBA game? What does THAT cost? No, those seats are the MOST expensive. Those seats are in high demand. But at a lecture, in a classroom setting, those front row center seats are probably without takers. Think about that. 

During the Q&A when they are passing the microphone around the room, it is interesting to notice who has a question. Who actually has something meaningful to ASK, vs. someone who just wants to hear themselves talk. It's pretty obvious.

Front row, center. Any closer, I'd be on stage. Ah, yes, Q&A, it's my turn with the microphone. 

"Hello, my name is Tom Capone, and I run the Distance Learning Association. This question is for Peter, and then - same question for the rest of the panel. Peter: I see on your slide that you majored in ENGLISH in college, and now you are a Data Scientist. How did that happen, and if everyone on the panel can briefly tell us your own personal journey to find you here - today - on the stage at the Snowflake Data Summit." 

You can see the body language of the folks on the stage change. You can see Peter's face light up as he told his story of English Major turned Business Analytics Information Technology (BAIT) expert. And then, each person on the dias told their own personal career story. 

Yes, the Data for Breakfast Summit, the event that was all about Big Data, Analytics, AI, Technology, quickly went back to being about people. Ah yes, people eat breakfast, robots do not. Right. 

I tend to be a visionary optimist. I like to think Luke Skywalker PLUS R2-D2. A team. That is the world I hope we have. 

Peter and the Robots. Sounds like a good name for a band. 

Oh, yeah, also this: Snowflake is now a value-added member benefit of the Distance Learning Association. You are welcome. 

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