You never know.
Or is it, you always know - but you rarely act?
Or is it, you always know - but you rarely act?
I post on Facebook. Too much, so says my wife. Quotes. Funny stuff. Pictures of my dogs in the park. I think I have posted pictures of my rescued dogs in the park, as they are running free or swimming and having a blast at least once or twice over the years. Ahem.
I reposted the article “3 Ways VC Funding Could Destroy Your Company” because it really rang true for me. And, it was sent to me by another friend on Facebook. One of my new Facebook friends, saw the link and she commented: “We have struggled to go it alone but have made it thus far without VC. We don't want to compromise our mission, plus most VC's that think they understand what we are doing... really don't get it.”
Intrigued by words like “struggled” and “compromise” and “mission” this prompted me to say to her in private Facebook chat:
“What do you do?”
“What do you do?”
I can't wait to meet with you either, !
While buying coffee next door, I saw a poster hanging in the window: “The Real Wiseguys of New Jersey” and it showed lots of actors that I recognized who have played “Goodfellas” in various mob movies. Honoring my Capone family name, I had to go in and buy said poster. It went like this: How much is the mob poster in the window? Oh no, don’t get up! (I see he is using a cane and not walking so good….) Turns out the owner of the store is:
- Going in for hip replacement surgery soon.
- He is actually one of the actors IN the poster! He is also a teacher.
- He does not know what he is going to do now - during - and after his hip replacement surgery to keep the store running.
- Turns out that we know many of the same people.
- We are going to have students from Rutgers University School of Business / Entrepreneurship Majors come in and “run” his store for him now, and during his post-surgery recovery. Paid summer internships, via the NYDLA. I am going to make that happen. Boom!
- We are going to build an online store for him, so that he need not rely on walk-in traffic alone. He is going to have an AMAZING online store, trust me. Boom.
- We are going to “play up” the fact that the store has been around since 1949, and make it a cool retro theme. Boonton since 1949, I can see it now. Boom!
- We are going to interview Perry for the NYDLA, and talk about the Entertainment business, acting, and how “you never know” what life has waiting for you right around the corner. Boom!
That "right around the corner thing" is always amazing. Had I not bought a cup of coffee on THAT day, and parked “just to the left” I would have not walked by his store. I would not have seen that poster. And THAT poster. It could have been any poster hanging in the window, and I would not have went inside. A week or two later, I might have seen a “Closed” or worse, an Out of Business sign in the window, and I would have said “Too bad, open since 1949 and now they are closed. Gee, the economy must have gotten to them. That's a shame.”
Because I went inside, Perry will not have to close his store due to his surgery. And, he will have a brand-new online eCommerce solution. We will blog on him, we will promote him via social media, and do a marketing campaign within 5 miles. Students from Rutgers will get a wonderful paid internships, and they will LEARN more about business than they can imagine. And, I’ll put my son Robert in charge of the entire project, so that he can learn - and - he can make great money on a project that HE can own, from start to finish. “Here you go, Robert, the boss is giving you the ball.”
I took Robert with me for the “follow up” meeting, to pass the baton. Robert and Perry hit it off, and I can now step back and let the plot unfold. Perry actually shared with us his financials. We are going to double or triple his business. Fact. Or, a “true fact” as they say in Washington, DC.
People say that “you never know” what is around the corner.
I say I know exactly what is around the corner. It is opportunity. New opportunities are always right around the corner, or on Facebook, or at the dog park. Don't get me started about meeting cool people and making money at the dog park!
I say I know exactly what is around the corner. It is opportunity. New opportunities are always right around the corner, or on Facebook, or at the dog park. Don't get me started about meeting cool people and making money at the dog park!
With a last name like Capone, I am often asked: “So, are you related to Al?” I have different answers to that question, but my favorite is the truth: a very short and sweet: yes. I must say that we have always received excellent seats at restaurants, and we really never had a significant receivables issue in business. I am certainly not a wise guy, by the movie definition. But I have always been a smart ass, according to my father.
You never know what opportunities are right around the corner, but you must open your mouth (react, respond, move, act!) if you want to convert such chance meetings into something more than a post on Facebook or an unnecessary cup of coffee.
Serendipity means a "fortuitous happenstance" or "pleasant surprise." The notion of serendipity is a common occurrence throughout the history of scientific innovation such as Alexander Fleming's accidental discovery of penicillin in 1928, and the invention of the microwave oven by Percy Spencer in 1945, to name but a few.
Now ask me about my dog park stories…….they're really good.

I almost forgot to say BOOM!
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