Sunday, March 2, 2025

Boosting the Boosted

LinkedIn has been offering the "boosting" feature for company page posts for several years, with the option becoming widely available around mid-2021 when they rolled out updates to help companies expand their reach with less time and cost investment; essentially allowing users to pay to promote their organic LinkedIn posts to a wider audience beyond their followers. 

Key points about LinkedIn boosting:

Function: Users can "boost" a post from their company page to reach more people on LinkedIn beyond their existing followers. 

Introduction timeframe: The boosting feature was introduced gradually, with significant updates and wider availability around mid-2021. 

Purpose: To help businesses gain more visibility for their content and potentially reach new potential customers or clients. 

I think I might have cracked the code on LinkedIn Boosting. 

How much does it cost to boost a post on LinkedIn? LinkedIn boost post cost a minimum daily budget of $15 USD. One of the best things about a boosted post is that the budget is highly flexible. A LinkedIn post can be boosted for as little as $15, or you can spend $100K if you want your story to reach a wide audience. 

When I do a video podcast interview ( | | with someone famous they will tell THEIR networks. And in some cases, these folks have a tremendous following on social media - aka LinkedIn. 

THAT is the post to boost! THEIR posts already have a tremendous following of engaged fans. After all, there is a reason why they have (I've seen 1M+) followers on LinkedIn. So, when you boost THAT post, it becomes like a force multiplier. You are boosting the boost! Their following becomes the ideal client persona - the ideal target audience for the topic at hand. LinkedIn calculates engagement rate by adding the number of interactions, clicks, and new followers acquired, divided by the number of impressions the post receives.

Say a LinkedIn post gets 1000 views and 100 engagements — then it has a 10% engagement rate. This is because: (10 engagements / 100 views) x 100 = 10%. A good engagement rate for LinkedIn is about 2%. However, this can climb all the way up to 5-6% at times. Other metrics you can use to measure your LinkedIn success include: Engagement rate, Content reach, Click-through rate (CTR), and Profile views. 

There are 1B+ professionals on LinkedIn and millions on LinkedIn Learning. The ROI on boosting is strong. What is the ROI of boosting a post of a famous person who is highly motivated to have (millions?) of people see THAT post? 

How does that TV commercial go again? 


Sunday, February 23, 2025

What's a BlackBerry? Do you mean the fruit?


If there was no BlackBerry, there would be no AireSpring. And, no MTP-USA

When I was running my first MTP company - we needed to find a source for BlackBerry phones and service. From around the year 2000 it was obvious that BlackBerry was going to be a very big thing. Turned out that AireSpring was a major BlackBerry supplier, and we found our vendor. 

In 2000 there were around 25,000 BlackBerry users globally. By December of 2012 the number grew to 80,000,000. It was the found in the holster on the belt of the most important people in the world. Former United States president Barack Obama became known for his dependence on a BlackBerry device for communication during his 2008 Presidential campaign. Despite the security issues, he insisted on using it even after inauguration. This was seen by some as akin to a "celebrity endorsement", which marketing experts have estimated to be worth between $25 million and $50 million. His usage of BlackBerry continued until around the end of his presidency. The Hillary Clinton email controversy is associated with Hillary Clinton continuing to use her black colored BlackBerry after assuming the office of Secretary of State.

I still service the Maritime Industry - but no longer for BlackBerry phones and service. 

In August 2022, it was announced that a docudrama film about the history of the BlackBerry brand, simply titled BlackBerry, had wrapped production. The film, written by Matt Johnson and Matthew Miller, was adapted from the book Losing the Signal: The Untold Story Behind the Extraordinary Rise and Spectacular Fall of BlackBerry. 

AireSpring made the pivot away from BlackBerry and into the telecom game. I made the pivot away from the Maritime industry and into education. Selling and service TBLS - Technology Based Learning Systems. So MTP became  But AireSpring kept their name... AireSpring

Now in 2025 we are (still) a Master Agent for AireSpring, a company that has grown into one of the largest telecom and technology companies in North America. Some companies pivot, morph, change, adapt. Others fold. I guess that is my muse for today's Sunday Blog. Why do some companies shutter and others shine? 

Until an hour ago, I had no idea what I was going to 'blog on' this Sunday morning. And then my wife said "look what I found" in the hall closet, still with the original box. And it took me down memory lane. I remember how BlackBerry was such a big deal - how some people (like the President of the United States) were almost addicted to using it - being connected to your email from anywhere, at any time. 

June 29, 2007 was the birth of the Apple iPhone, and at that time there were 8,000,000 BlackBerry users around the world. As of 2023, there were an estimated 1.46 billion active iPhone users worldwide. At its peak in September 2011, there were 85 million BlackBerry subscribers worldwide. It has been years since I have seen a BlackBerry phone. Except in a junk drawer. 

Today, in 2025 we service the Maritime Industry on a global basis addressing their telecom and technology needs via AireSpring Global. And via AireSpring Wireless. And we are still their Master Agent

Just no more BlackBerry.  

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Thanks for your Patronage!

A patronage dividend is a distribution of a cooperative's profits to its members based on the amount of business they do with the cooperative. Instead of being determined by the number of shares owned (as in traditional corporations), the dividend is allocated proportionally to each member's patronage — meaning the more you use the cooperative's services, the larger your share of the profit distribution.

For example, in a consumer cooperative, the more you shop at the co-op, the larger your share of the profits might be when the co-op distributes a patronage dividend. Similarly, credit unions use this concept to refund a portion of the interest earned on deposits back to their members. The Internal Revenue Code (26 USC §1388) even defines a patronage dividend as an amount paid to a patron based on the net earnings from business done with or for that patron.

The Technology ASSURANCE Cooperative ( activated patronage dividends in Q1 2025 and the results are.... nuts! Allow me to explain... 

You cannot do distance learning (or digital learning) without technology. So it made perfect sense that the Distance Learning Association would seek out and negotiate 'deals' on telecom and technology for its members. So, for many years, the members of the DLA could 'source' their hardware, software, connectivity, cybersecurity, platforms, books, courses, at volume contract pricing. Members Only Pricing. A simple 'strength in numbers' model. 

TAC 'was born' to be a value-added member benefit. It's purpose to exist was to service the membership of the DLA (since 1983). 

Here is what we learned - your mileage may vary!  

{ Nerdy legal and accounting stuff begins HERE } 

To offer patronage dividends, we needed to first structure the business as a cooperative and then embed the dividend mechanism into your cooperative’s operating rules. In practice, this involves several key steps:

Ensure your business is legally organized as a cooperative.

Draft or amend your bylaws to create a pre-existing obligation to pay patronage dividends. This means clearly stating that a portion of net earnings (usually determined on a taxable or book income basis) will be returned to members based on the volume or value of their transactions with the cooperative.

Define eligibility criteria (for example, whether only active, fully paid members qualify) and decide if acceptance of the dividend is a condition of membership. We made it automatic - all members of the TAC Co-Op automatically benefit. [ It’s wise to consult a legal professional to ensure your bylaws meet both IRS requirements under Subchapter T and state laws. ]

Develop an Accounting System for Patronage Tracking

Implement robust bookkeeping and point-of-sale systems that record each member’s transactions with the cooperative. [ We went with Intuit ENTERPRISE. ]

Use these records to calculate each member’s share of the net earnings, typically by applying a percentage based on each member’s purchases relative to the total. [ We decided that all members benefit equally. ]

Determine the Dividend Calculation and Distribution Method

Decide on the method for calculating net income eligible for patronage dividends. Many cooperatives use taxable net income or book income as a base. [ We decided to calculate patronage dividends as a share of overall net revenue. ]

Choose how the dividends will be paid out — this could be as cash, store credit, or even equity shares. (For example, some cooperatives distribute a minimum of 20% in cash to enable members to cover any associated tax obligations, with the remainder retained as equity.)

Set clear deadlines for members to claim their dividend benefits. For instance, the dividend should be available for claim within a defined period (often 8½ months after year-end), after which unclaimed amounts may be reallocated by the Board. [ Again, made it automatic and seamless. 'Hey, thanks for your patronage - here's your money!' ]

Member Education and Communication

Educate members about how the patronage dividend works, its benefits, and the claim process. Distribute the updated bylaws and regular statements or notices (often called “qualified written notices of allocation”) so that all members know the rules and see their individual allocations. [KISS: Keep it Simple Sam ] 

Tax and Regulatory Compliance

File the appropriate tax forms, such as the cooperative’s Form 1120-C and, if required, IRS Form 1099-PATR (or elect not to file it using Form 3491 if you meet the criteria).

Follow IRS Subchapter T guidelines so that the dividends remain deductible by the cooperative and potentially tax-free to members (depending on the nature of their purchases).

By following these steps — structuring your cooperative properly, setting clear policies in your bylaws, implementing accurate accounting systems, choosing the appropriate payout method, and ensuring member communication — you can successfully offer patronage dividends. This approach not only returns a portion of profits to your members in a fair and transparent way but also helps optimize tax benefits for both the cooperative and its members.

{ Nerdy legal and accounting stuff has now ended }

OK, land the plane Tom... what does this mean to ME? 

Well, let's use a real-life example. Let's say that 1% of the 174K+ DLA portfolio schools across North America are ready for a 'Technology Refresh' on their computers. Let's say that 1,740 schools want to purchase 1,000 Lenovo Laptops for $1,000. {could be any brand...} Well, that would be 1,740 x 1,000 x $1,000 or $1,740,000,000 in laptops. So, if even 5% of that transaction for Lenovo Laptops was applied as patronage dividends, then $87,000,000 would be distributed to all members of the TAC Co-Op. Feel free to play around with the numbers, but 'the math' is sound.  

AND SO... if there were 10,000 TAC Co-Op members - then each member of the TAC Co-Op would get $8,700 in patronage dividends. 

So, you tell me: would you pay $25 per month (or $250 per year) to access the volume contract pricing / wholesale cost pricing of the Technology ASSURANCE Cooperative - to also get an automatic patronage dividend of $8,700 because a bunch of schools decided to buy a bunch of new computers? 

And... what if we opened up access to the TAC-USA Cooperative to all of the alumni of the 174K+ portfolio schools? And... what if we did this with everything: all telecom, all technology, all hardware, all software, all professional services. Laptops, desktops, cameras, Internet. Everything in the world of telecom and technology that is needed to live, learn, work, play, teach, train, coach, mentor in the GLOBAL Cloud COMMUNITY? 

Hey, why not use the TAC patronage dividends to pay for school? To pay for (or offset) the tuition from one of the 174K+ portfolio schools of the Penn State World Campus has 775K+ alumni, Rutgers 600K+ and Purdue Online 400K+  It adds up fast. 

Say, where did YOU go to school? 

Yes indeed. The Technology ASSURANCE Cooperative ( activated patronage dividends in Q1 2025 and the results are... well, you tell me. 

If you want to learn more about membership in the or 

you can email me directly anytime: 

Sunday, February 9, 2025

I want to be Frank with you

Frank Caprio is a former Chief Judge of the Providence Municipal Court in Rhode Island, best known for his compassionate and humorous approach to justice. He gained widespread recognition through the TV and social media series "Caught in Providence," which features real cases from his courtroom. His fair and empathetic handling of cases, especially those involving struggling individuals, has earned him a global fanbase. His new book "Compassion in the Court" is already a best seller. 

Key Facts About Judge Frank Caprio

Full Name: Francesco Caprio

Born: November 23, 1936, in Providence, Rhode Island, USA

Career: Served as Chief Judge of the Providence Municipal Court for over 30 years. His courtroom cases became famous for his kindness, often waiving fines for those in financial distress.

Caught in Providence was originally a local program but gained national and international popularity through YouTube and social media.

Education: Attended Suffolk University Law School in Boston, Massachusetts.

Other Roles: Former chairman of the Rhode Island Board of Governors for Higher Education.

Practiced law privately in addition to his judicial duties. His philosophy of justice emphasizes fairness, understanding, and second chances, which has resonated with millions of people around the world.

Frank Sonnenberg is an American author, speaker, and thought leader known for his work on leadership, personal values, and business ethics. He has written extensively about the importance of integrity, trust, and moral character in both personal and professional life.

Key Facts About Frank Sonnenberg

Career: A widely respected thought leader in leadership, values, and ethical decision-making. His work emphasizes the role of trust, accountability, and strong moral principles in success. He has been recognized as one of America’s “Top 100 Thought Leaders” in Trust.

Books: Follow Your Conscience, Managing With a Conscience, Soul Food: Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life, The Path to a Meaningful Life

Writing & Influence: Frank runs a well-regarded blog on leadership and values, reaching millions. His insights have been widely shared in business circles and self-improvement communities.

Social Media often gets a bad rap. We tend to forget that 'the Internet' was invented as a result of several technological developments over time, rather than a single event. However, key milestones include:

1960s: The foundation of the internet was laid with the creation of ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network), developed by the U.S. Department of Defense's ARPA (now DARPA). The first successful message transmission between computers happened on October 29, 1969.

1970s: In 1973, Vinton Cerf and Robert Kahn developed the TCP/IP protocol, which became the fundamental communication system of the internet.

In 1974, the term "Internet" was first used in a research paper referring to a global network.

1983: The official birth of the internet—ARPANET switched to using TCP/IP, making it a fully functional network.

1990: Tim Berners-Lee developed the World Wide Web (WWW), which made the internet accessible to the public by introducing web pages and browsers.

The internet, as we know it today, evolved from these early foundations into a global network connecting billions of people. If there was no internet, there would be no social media, no books on Audible, I would not have this Sunday Blog. And there would be no Coffee In the Clouds video podcast. 

I met Frank Sonnenberg as 'friends' on Facebook. I met Frank T. Caprio (the son of Judge Frank Caprio) on LinkedIn. One of my favorite things is to host "Zoom Talks" with authors, promoting their books and works. My video podcast interview with Frank Sonnenberg is 'in the can' as they say. I hope to get Judge Frank 'Caught on Zoom' later this month. See what I did there? 

I run the (now) Global Distance Learning Association ( and we would not exist without the internet. We are democratizing education on a global basis via disruptive technology

Via tools like Zoom, we can change lives, and even save lives (telemedicine). We started doing 'distance learning' in 1983, long before the internet even existed. I remember when we mailed VHS tapes and audio books - THAT was state of the art technology back in the day. As of this blog in 2025 there are 174K+ schools across North America in the DLA community. We now service students living all around the world, in every time zone. And we reach the alumni of these schools. And of course, thanks to the power of the internet, we can be....

Frank with all of them. 

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Red Pill or Blue Pill?

In the context of the movie "The Matrix," choosing a "red pill" means accepting a potentially unsettling truth and waking up to reality, while choosing a "blue pill" means staying in blissful ignorance of the truth, essentially choosing to remain in a comfortable illusion; the phrase is now used metaphorically to represent a choice between confronting uncomfortable reality or maintaining a comfortable lie. 

Origin: This phrase comes from a scene in the movie "The Matrix" where the character Morpheus offers Neo the choice between a red pill and a blue pill. 

Red Pill: Represents the choice to see the truth, no matter how harsh or disturbing it might be. 

Blue Pill: Represents the choice to remain in a comfortable state of ignorance

I write this Sunday Blog on 2/2/2025 while the USA placed 25% Tariffs on Canada and Mexico, and 10% Tariffs on China. This is not a political blog - but it is a 'Red Pill'. Prices are going to go UP for all of us. Not down as promised, but UP. Fact. Did you vote for a price increase on your gas and groceries? Yes? OK, cool, you got what you voted for. 

Humans respond to fear - much more dramatically to fear and negatives, than to safety, security and bliss. 

In the film The Matrix, the main character Neo (played by Keanu Reeves) is offered the choice between a red pill and a blue pill by rebel leader Morpheus (played by Laurence Fishburne). Morpheus says "You take the blue pill... the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill... you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes." It is implied that the blue pill is a sedative that would cause Neo to think that all his most recent experiences were a hallucination, so that he can go back to living in the Matrix's simulated reality. The red pill, on the other hand, serves as a "location device" to locate the subject's body in the real world and to prepare them to be "unplugged" from the Matrix.

For years, higher education was a Red Pill / Blue Pill decision. Here in the USA, K-12 public education is FREE. It was made available to all citizens for 100 years. You COULD send a child to private school, pay money, to provide your child with a superior education. When I went to High School in Boca Raton Florida, my best friend Paul when to Boca Raton Academy. My public education was free, Paul's HS education cost his parents thousands of dollars per year. Paul had less than one hundred in his HS graduating class, I had well over a thousand. 

For years, the decision to 'go to college' was a Red Pill / Blue Pill decision. Quality of life was connected to the quality of education. Getting an MBA was (is?) considered an investment that will pay back an ROI in lifelong career earning potential. Going to RUTGERS is going to cost less than going to DUKE, all things considered. And not going to college at all, is going to impact overall lifelong earning potential.

Or will it?

Grocery shopping at KINGS in Boonton is going to be around 25% more expensive than shopping at ACME in Boonton. Both KINGS and ACME are owned by Albertsons - and they also own Balducci's, Safeway, Vons, Jewel-Osco. I notice that 'the same thing' at ACME is usually less expensive than at KINGS. By around 25%. So, why (how) can KINGS and ACME co-exist in BOONTON USA, less than a mile from each other? And why do I go to KINGS and why does my wife go to ACME? 

But if saving money on household goods is the mission, then it's COSTCO or Aldi. Or, so I hear... I don't shop at either, but maybe I should start. 

Where are you going with this, Tom? 

When you have the ability to choose: Go To College vs. No College. KINGS vs. ACME vs. COSTCO. Live in NYC vs. New York State vs. New Jersey (and commute). Republican vs. Democrat (or vote vs. stay home / no vote) you are taking the Red Pills. 

The PROBLEM comes when taking 'The Red Pill' and expecting to see (and act on) the truth, make decisions based on the facts, and you get 'Blue Pill' results. You did not get what you bargained for, right? How do you feel when you choose TRUTH and you get anything but the truth? 

If I CHOOSE to shop at KINGS and pay 25% more, that is on me. It was a choice. As you drive West from NYC, the cost of living, the cost of housing goes DOWN. How far West are you willing to live, and still commute back and forth to NYC every day? You get to decide, you are in control

There is a saying "Reports are only valuable if read by the King." Meaning, you don't need to know the truth if you are not planning on making decisions based on facts. If you are not planning on making life-decisions based on reality, then Blue Pills are just fine. 

AND SO... if you went shopping at ACME in BOONTON USA and the prices were suddenly 25% higher than found at KINGS just a mile away... how would you feel? If there was a sign on the door that said: "Effective immediately all prices in the store have been raised by 25%" what would you do? You still have control - you can get back in your car and drive to KINGS. Or, just go inside ACME since you are already there (one last time). Control

Red Pill or Blue Pill? In all things.....

Sunday, January 26, 2025


COMMUNITY: a group of people who share common interests, values, goals, or experiences and interact with each other in a meaningful way. Communities can be formed based on a variety of factors, including geography, culture, shared activities, or virtual platforms. They often provide a sense of belonging, support, and identity to their members.

Types of Communities

Geographic Communities: People living in the same area, such as neighborhoods, towns, or cities.

Interest-Based Communities: Groups formed around shared hobbies, passions, or professions (e.g., book clubs, sports teams, online forums).

Cultural or Ethnic Communities: Groups sharing common heritage, traditions, or languages.

Virtual Communities: Online groups that connect people across distances, often through social media or specialized platforms.

Faith-Based Communities: Groups organized around religious beliefs or spiritual practices.

Characteristics of a Community

Shared Purpose: Common goals or interests unite members.

Interaction: Regular communication and collaboration among members.

Support: Members offer help, advice, or emotional backing to each other.

Identity: A sense of belonging and collective identity.

Structure: Rules, norms, or systems that guide the community’s behavior.

Communities play a critical role in fostering relationships, encouraging collaboration, and building social capital. They can be as small as a local club or as large as global movements.

Ah yes. GLOBAL MOVEMENTS. We'll come back to this.........

I grew up living next to the Community Church of Cedar Grove in New Jersey. As in, right next door. One of the first words that I ever learned past Mama and DaDa was COMMUNITY. I went to Nursery School and then Kindergarten at the COMMUNITY Church. So, born in 1960 through 2025, I have been around, aware of, and IN a COMMUNITY

This past week, we had our 'People Magic Summit' with Mighty Networks.  

Mighty Networks is an online platform designed to help individuals, organizations, and creators build and manage their own communities. It combines the functionality of social networking, online courses, memberships, and event hosting in a single platform. With Mighty Networks, users can create a branded, customizable space for their audience to connect, share content, and engage. AT SCALE. 

Key Features of Mighty Networks

Community Building: Create spaces where members can interact through posts, comments, and discussions.

Membership Management: Offer free or paid memberships, with tools to manage subscribers and set up membership tiers.

Online Courses: Build and deliver courses with multimedia content, quizzes, and progress tracking.

Events: Host live or virtual events, webinars, and meetups directly on the platform.

Custom Branding: Customize the look and feel of the network to align with your brand identity.

Mobile App Access: Provide members access via a dedicated mobile app, improving accessibility and engagement.

Monetization: Generate income through memberships, course sales, and paid events.

Analytics: Track member activity, engagement levels, and other metrics to refine the community experience.

Who Uses Mighty Networks?

Creators and Influencers: To engage their audiences and monetize their expertise.

Entrepreneurs and Small Businesses: To build brand communities and offer exclusive content or courses.

Organizations and Nonprofits: To connect stakeholders, members, or supporters in a unified platform.

Coaches and Educators: To run online programs, workshops, and coaching sessions.

Mighty Networks is popular because it integrates multiple community-building tools into a single platform, making it easy for creators and organizations to foster engagement and grow their audience without relying on multiple external tools.

And, the is a 'network' of Mighty Networks. One more time for the folks in the back:

The is a 'network' of Mighty Networks. 

So, the 770K+ living alumni of Penn State World Campus - the 600K+ living alumni of RUTGERS - the 300K+ living alumni of PURDUE are all in (checks notes......) OUR Mighty Network. Across North America there are 174K+ [K-20] schools which covers Kindergarten through GRADUATE SCHOOL, MEDICAL SCHOOL, LAW SCHOOL, and they are all serviced by the technology of Mighty Networks. 

So, my first words were "MaMa, DaDa and COMMUNITY." That's my story and I'm sticking to it. My first community was Kindergarten in the 60s in Cedar Grove, NJ. Now in 2025 my COMMUNITY is the - which could not (would not?) exist without the 'People Magic' of Mighty Networks. 

Yes, it's all about people magic. Please consider joining our Global Cloud COMMUNITY. Because none of us is as smart as all of us. And life's journey is more fun with people that you like, people that you trust, and people that care about YOU, your goals and your success. 

See you in the clouds! 

Sunday, January 19, 2025

He knows when you've been bad or good

He sees you when you're sleepin' ... And he knows when you're awake ... He knows when you've been bad or good ...So be good for goodness sake! Bing Crosby & The Andrews Sisters released “Santa Claus Is Comin' to Town” on December 11, 1943. Was Santa the first algorithm? 

Tomorrow is the Second Inauguration of Donald Trump. On January 17, Trump announced the inauguration ceremony would be moved indoors due to cold weather, and would take place in the Capitol rotunda, a first since the public second inauguration of Ronald Reagan on January 21, 1985.

Trump's decision to take his inauguration indoors has been mocked by some as an indication that the president-elect is weak or "soft," with many comparing the expected conditions on Monday to those at Obama's first inauguration in 2009.

Obama was inaugurated outdoors despite a temperature of 28 degrees, with "wind chill values in the mid teens," according to the National Weather Service (NWS). About 1.8 million people attended Obama's inauguration despite the cold weather, according to The Washington Post.

Temperatures in Washington are forecast to be about 21 degrees during Trump's second inauguration on Monday, although wind chill could make it feel more like 11 degrees at around noon, when the ceremony begins.

Folks that are 'anti-Trump' are saying DO NOT watch the Inauguration LIVE on TV. Tank the ratings! In fact, the instructions are to turn your TV ON - but do not watch the event. But do watch something ELSE. This is to impact the ratings, to influence the media. 

To influence the algorithm. 

I met the folks from Corsight AI at the NRF 'Big Show' this month. They specialize in Facial Intelligence - the ability to recognize people of interest and specific scenarios from video footage. Face matching, Face detection, Facial intelligence, Facial recognition. No matter what YOU call it, it just WORKS! 

I am a big Audible fan. I 'read' most of my books through my ears. This month the good folks at Audible shared with me MY history. What books I listened to, which books I did not finish, which books I downloaded and never started, and my total listening history. In other words, the good folks at Audible (aka Jeff Bezos) know a great deal about me, my interests, and my behavior. Heck, he even knows the times of day / days of the week that I am listening. "Oh look, Tom's at the Dog Park right now." 

I run the (now) Global Distance Learning Association ( which is the result of TBLS (Technology Based Learning Systems) morphing and changing and perfecting since 1983. There are 174K+ [K-20] schools serviced by the DLA. It's K-20 not K-12 as we service all the way up to Graduate School. Distance Learning morphed into DIGITAL Learning and now in 2025 it's all just DIGITAL LIVING. For the first time ever, more people are paying tuition for an online education than for a traditional 'on campus' experience. And this means that PURDUE UNIVERSITY ONLINE is competing with STANFORD ONLINE who is competing with PENN STATE WORLD CAMPUS who is competing with... well, you get the idea. Once education went 'online' every school is competing with every other school for YOUR tuition dollars. 

The mere fact that someone is 'looking at' or even thinking about taking a specific online course is critical data. The fact that some PAID $2,800 (or even $28,000) to take an online course, or to attend a college or university for a degree is critical and valuable data. Show me what you buy, what you read, what you study - and I'll customize my marketing to fit. 

Just this month alone, 140K+ people attended the CES event in Las Vegas - the largest tech event of the year (every year). 40K+ attended NRF in NYC, and we expect 80K+ to attend ISE next month in Europe. What is the profile of the people who physically attend such events? Who invested in travel, hotel, and time to be their live? Would you like to meet them? Would you like to send them an email? Or invite them to your webinar? You can and meet all of them via zero spam, 100% opt-in email marketing. 

If you attended an NFL, NBA or MLB game in the past year, there is a very good chance that facial recognition software knows about it. As does the credit card history from your purchases at the game, or online. If you were at a political rally in the past year, or planning on attending the Trump Inauguration, smile - you are on Candid Camera. Now, attending a sporting event LIVE is expensive these days. Tickets are expensive, so just the fact that you are in the arena or stadium is very telling. Same goes for those attending CES, NRF or ISE. It is expensive to attend a trade show - much less pay for a booth at the show. It's all in the cloud, everything. Add it all up, add it all together and you have a very powerful 'big data' marketing machine. 

It is now 2025. We live in the world of Big Data / AI / Quantum Computing. Technology Billionaires have tremendous influence on what we will see, read, watch and learn. Better prepare now for Christmas 2025, because Santa will definitely be looking at the algorithm of your digital footprint for the past 12 months. 

Want to learn more? Join the - we're teaching everything we know. And we learn something new - every day.

[Chorus: Bing Crosby, The Andrews Sisters, Both]

You better watch out

You better not cry

You better not pout

I'm telling you why (Why?)

Santa Claus is comin' to town...

[Verse 1: Bing Crosby, The Andrews Sisters, Both]

He's making a list (Ooo)

And checking it twice (Ooo)

He's gonna find out who's naughty and nice

Santa Claus is comin' to town

He sees you when you're sleeping

He knows when you're awake

He knows if you've been bad or good

So be good for goodness sake

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Baptism by Fire: What It Means in Business

As I write my Sunday Blog on 1/12/2025 the LA Wildfires are still burning. 

This morning, I read a post on social media, a story about a Teacher, a Student, and a life lesson learned. I reposted it at the bottom.

The next several weeks will be filled with stories of the devastation. We will learn of horrific loss, and we will also hear stories of heroes. We will learn of acts of generosity, compassion and the best of humanity. There will be conversations about climate change, and politics, and blame. There will be plenty of time to analyze what can be done (now) what should have been done, what is simply 'God's Will' vs. human error. 

The one thing that I am thinking about (today) is what it must be like to lose a home. Not just the structure, but the contents. The photographs, the documents, the possessions. You home is the vessel of your life. Home ownership has been a part of the American Dream for many generations. "I don't have much but at least I have a roof over my head" is a phrase that we have all heard our entire lives. 

Why is having a roof over your head important?

That's what a roof does – it shelters us. It shelters and protects us. It keeps us safe and comfortable. It allows us to live in artificial like conditions – where we control the temperature, the humidity, the sound and wind. 

There were homes lost in the fire that were worth millions. Tens of millions. Because LA County is the home of many Hollywood Rich and Famous, there are many very famous people who lost their homes. Some had homes on the water, some in the hills. Some owned homes that were in their families for many generations. Others had multimillion dollar mansions reduced to their foundations. But if an ember from the fires landed on your roof - any roof - your home could be reduced to ash. The fire did not discriminate rich from poor. Famous person from average person. 

I saw that some homes were saved due to technology. Water sprinkler systems that would keep a constant flow of water on the roof and on the surrounding property. So there were some homes that were saved while all of the other homes in the neighborhood were reduced to rubble. It will take me a few days to process this. Is that a victory against Mother Nature, to use technology to save a single home, when the rest of the homes in the neighborhood are decimated? What did you actually save? And you cannot do that for EVERY home - California was already in a drought. 

You can rebuild homes that are earthquake resistant, fire resistant, hurricane resistant. But you cannot do that for everyone. Los Angeles County is the most populous county in the United States, with 9,663,345 residents estimated in 2023. Its population is greater than that of 40 individual U.S. states. It was the entire COUNTY that was impacted. Not certain homes, not certain families. It will be very interesting to see what happens next, as the Insurance Industry will probably have a big role in the future of where people live, and who can afford to live there. 

AS I WRITE THIS, I just saw a TV commercial for Legacy Box ( I am wondering if they just increased their ad spend in the past week. I myself own which deals with disaster recovery, business continuity, cybersecurity and safely securing media for business clients. Personally, I feel that no one wants to be reminded of what they SHOULD have done, as they walk amongst the rubble of their devastated home or business. This is not the time for "I told you so" marketing. 

For me, personally, I feel like Mrs. Thompson in the story below. If someone that I know did not properly protect their business, if they did not safely secure their data, if they were exposed to risk - that is not their fault. Ultimately it is mine. I know the result of not securing data. I now the statistics of how a business cannot survive a catastrophic loss of data. Ultimately I did not do my job if they are not protected. I did not teach them what they needed to learn. 

I have been in business since 1983. I've seen much. Backing up your data - protecting your media - is like the roof on your house. It keeps you safe. It does not matter if you are rich and famous, or just an average person living anywhere in the country. It is not the building or the structure - those things can be rebuilt. It's the contents of the building, it's the contents of the home. 

In the story below, Mrs. Thompson had an epiphany with Teddy. With teaching. With life itself. If you are in a position to help someone, just do it. You never know what the future holds. Pay it forward. Teach everything you know. 

If you were impacted email - when and where we can help you we shall do so. No charge. 


As she stood in front of her 5th grade class on the very first day of school, she told the children an untruth. Like most teachers, she looked at her students and said that she loved them all the same. However, that was impossible, because there in the front row, slumped in his seat, was a little boy named Teddy Stoddard.

Mrs. Thompson had watched Teddy the year before and noticed that he did not play well with the other children, that his clothes were messy and that he constantly needed a bath. In addition, Teddy could be unpleasant.

It got to the point where Mrs. Thompson would actually take delight in marking his papers with a broad red pen, making bold X's and then putting a big "F" at the top of his papers.

At the school where Mrs. Thompson taught, she was required to review each child's past records and she put Teddy's off until last. However, when she reviewed his file, she was in for a surprise.

Teddy's first grade teacher wrote, "Teddy is a bright child with a ready laugh. He does his work neatly and has good manners... he is a joy to be around.."

His second grade teacher wrote, "Teddy is an excellent student, well liked by his classmates, but he is troubled because his mother has a terminal illness and life at home must be a struggle."

His third grade teacher wrote, "His mother's death has been hard on him. He tries to do his best, but his father doesn't show much interest and his home life will soon affect him if some steps aren't taken."

Teddy's fourth grade teacher wrote, "Teddy is withdrawn and doesn't show much interest in school. He doesn't have many friends and he sometimes sleeps in class."

By now, Mrs. Thompson realized the problem and she was ashamed of herself. She felt even worse when her students brought her Christmas presents, wrapped in beautiful ribbons and bright paper, except for Teddy's. His present was clumsily wrapped in the heavy, brown paper that he got from a grocery bag. Mrs. Thompson took pains to open it in the middle of the other presents. Some of the children started to laugh when she found a rhinestone bracelet with some of the stones missing, and a bottle that was one-quarter full of perfume. But she stifled the children's laughter when she exclaimed how pretty the bracelet was, putting it on, and dabbing some of the perfume on her wrist. Teddy Stoddard stayed after school that day just long enough to say, "Mrs. Thompson, today you smelled just like my Mom used to." After the children left, she cried for at least an hour.

On that very day, she quit teaching reading, writing and arithmetic. Instead, she began to teach children. Mrs. Thompson paid particular attention to Teddy. As she worked with him, his mind seemed to come alive. The more she encouraged him, the faster he responded. By the end of the year, Teddy had become one of the smartest children in the class and, despite her lie that she would love all the children the same, Teddy became one of her "teacher's pets."

A year later, she found a note under her door, from Teddy, telling her that she was still the best teacher he ever had in his whole life.

Six years went by before she got another note from Teddy. He then wrote that he had finished high school, third in his class, and she was still the best teacher he ever had in life.

Four years after that, she got another letter, saying that while things had been tough at times, he'd stayed in school, had stuck with it, and would soon graduate from college with the highest of honors. He assured Mrs. Thompson that she was still the best and favorite teacher he had ever had in his whole life.

Then four more years passed and yet another letter came. This time he explained that after he got his bachelor's degree, he decided to go a little further. The letter explained that she was still the best and favorite teacher he ever had. But now his name was a little longer.... The letter was signed, Theodore F. Stoddard, MD.

The story does not end there. You see, there was yet another letter that spring. Teddy said he had met this girl and was going to be married. He explained that his father had died a couple of years ago and he was wondering if Mrs. Thompson might agree to sit at the wedding in the place that was usually reserved for the mother of the groom.

Of course, Mrs. Thompson did. And guess what? She wore that bracelet, the one with several rhinestones missing. Moreover, she made sure she was wearing the perfume that Teddy remembered his mother wearing on their last Christmas together.

They hugged each other, and Dr. Stoddard whispered in Mrs. Thompson's ear, "Thank you Mrs. Thompson for believing in me. Thank you so much for making me feel important and showing me that I could make a difference."

Mrs. Thompson, with tears in her eyes, whispered back. She said, "Teddy, you have it all wrong. You were the one who taught me that I could make a difference. I didn't know how to teach until I met you."

(For you that don't know, Teddy Stoddard is the Dr. at Iowa Methodist Hospital in Des Moines that has the Stoddard Cancer Wing.)

Warm someone's heart today. . . pass this along. I love this story so very much, I cry every time I read it. Just try to make a difference in someone's life today? tomorrow? Just "do it". Random acts of kindness, I think they call it?

"Believe in Angels, then return the favor."

Sunday, January 5, 2025

One Hundred and Seventy Four Thousand

FOR THE FIRST TIME....... more people have paid tuition for an online education than for a traditional campus education. 

2024 was a tipping point. Global High Speed Internet, along with services like Zoom, GoTo, WebEx, Adobe and others have changed the world of education forever. 



Yes, there will still be classic on-campus education. Yes, there will still be dorm rooms and food plans. And yes there will be on-campus SPORTS. March Madness is right around the corner, right?

Highest-Viewed College Football Games Of the Past

Georgia vs. Texas: 16,630,000 viewers - SEC Championship

Tennessee vs. Ohio State: 14,680,000 viewers - College Football Playoff

Indiana vs. Notre Dame: 13,390,000 viewers - College Football Playoff

But as for pure education - for all things higher learning - lifelong learning - career advancement - all things 'remote' and CLOUD seems to have taken the lead. And I don't think it is going back to the old ways anytime soon. 

The (now) was one of the first to promote Harvard HBX many years ago. The concept of getting a degree from Harvard without ever stepping foot in Massachusetts was beyond most people's comprehension. Today in 2025 it's expected

And in 2025 'Certificate Programs' are expected to outpace classic degree programs. When someone asks "where should I go to school?" the answer is starting to look like "go to all of them." With each passing day, more and more areas of study are becoming available to students from anywhere in the world. And, major corporations have successfully launched their own internal online universities, or partnering with colleges to teach things like AI, or Cybersecurity or other areas of study that are in high demand. 

See, it is not just the students - it is the employers that are the future homes for these students. WHERE you went to school is becoming less and less important. WHAT you have learned, and your level of domain expertise - that is what is really what matters. Can you do the job? Can you do the work? Let's find out. 

As of this Sunday Blog, there are 174,000+ K-20 Schools serviced by the (now) That is K-20 which covers Graduate Schools, Medical Schools, etc. and not just Kindergarten through College. So that means that PURDUE is competing against UCONN who is competing against RUTGERS who is competing against HARVARD who is competing against PRINCETON who is competing against... well, you get it. If you pay tuition to attend THIS school or to attend THAT school, you're not going to pay tuition to the others. It becomes a zero sum game. 

And the classrooms in the clouds are scalable. When I went to PURDUE some 46 years ago, Lecture Hall EE129 was one of the largest on campus, holding several hundred students. 2025: the PURDUE UNIVERSITY ONLINE lecture hall is as big as an audience watching College Football on TV. 

Imagine trying to grade 16,630,000 Final Exams. I guess they will have AI bots for that, right? In 2025 I invite you to join the (now) as Lifelong Learning is here to stay. 

From anywhere in the world.