Sunday, October 27, 2024

Teaching, Training, Coaching, Mentoring FROM ANYWHERE

 If you are on a smartphone, hold the phone landscape.

EDUCAUSE 2024 is in the history books. Their 'virtual' event is next month in November. In my humble opinion, they are the 'gold standard' for the promotion of and the evangelization of TBLS (Technology Based Learning Systems). I'm a big fan.

EDUCAUSE 2023 – 3,680 members attended LIVE.

EDUCAUSE 2024 – 4,530 members attended LIVE.

It really struck me this week, when I reflected on not only the educators, the attendees, but thinking about the VENDORS and the SPONSORS of events such as EDUCAUSE. You cannot function in today's world without technology. You cannot run a business, a school, even a household - without technology. 

EDUCAUSE is a nonprofit association that focuses on advancing higher education through the use of information technology. It provides a platform for higher education institutions to share knowledge, resources, and best practices related to IT. EDUCAUSE offers conferences, publications, research, and various initiatives aimed at improving IT services, enhancing learning environments, and addressing the challenges of technology in education. It also plays a significant role in advocating for policies that support the effective use of technology in higher education.

Because I was born in 1960 if and when I heard the word 'school' I would instantly think of 'schoolhouse' or the actual building that we would physically go to. Teaching and education were directly connected to a physical location. Grade School, High School, and then College all gave an immediate mental picture of building or a campus. 2024: When I say 'College' you say 'Football'. 

A "schoolhouse" typically refers to a building where educational instruction takes place, especially in a traditional or historical context. It often evokes images of small, rural schools, particularly in the 19th and early 20th centuries. The term can also represent the concept of a community-focused place for learning, encompassing not just the physical structure but also the educational activities and community interactions that occur within it. In a broader sense, "schoolhouse" may also refer to the entire educational system or environment.

A campus is a collection of buildings and grounds that belong to an educational institution, such as a college or university. It typically includes classrooms, laboratories, libraries, administrative offices, and recreational facilities. Campuses can vary greatly in size and design, from large universities with extensive landscapes to smaller colleges with compact layouts. The term can also refer to the overall environment and community of students, faculty, and staff within the institution, encompassing both academic and social activities.

We used to "go to work" which was a physical location. We also would "go to school" which was also a physical location. And if you needed to research something, you would "go to the library" because that's where the books were found. Are you old enough to remember going all the way to the library only to learn that the book that you needed was already checked out? 

2024 is the time of TED Talks and Master Class and Udemy and LinkedIn Learning and Kajabi and Mighty Networks many other platforms. We are in the age of Netflix documentaries and Audible and eBooks. And now with high-speed GLOBAL Internet connectivity for as low as $120 per month (Starlink, Viasat, etc.) you can attend a K-20 class from ANYWHERE in the world. 

Viasat is a global communications company that provides satellite and wireless broadband services. It offers high-speed internet access, particularly in remote and underserved areas, and serves various markets, including residential, business, and government sectors. Viasat is known for its innovative satellite technology, including the Viasat satellite network, which delivers reliable internet services over vast geographic areas. The company also develops cybersecurity solutions and other communication technologies. Its mission focuses on improving connectivity and expanding access to information worldwide. 

Starlink is a satellite internet constellation developed by SpaceX, designed to provide high-speed broadband internet access across the globe, particularly in remote and underserved areas. The system consists of thousands of small satellites in low Earth orbit (LEO) that communicate with ground stations and user terminals. Starlink aims to offer reliable internet service with low latency and high speeds, making it suitable for various applications, from residential use to business and government needs. The service has gained attention for its potential to bridge the digital divide by making internet access more available in rural and hard-to-reach regions.

The big theme at EDUCAUSE this year was AI and its impact on education. I feel that AI will be the most dramatic change in education - in teaching, training, coaching, mentoring. Instructors powered by AI, along with global connectivity will convert any room into a classroom

There are 174K+ (K-20) schools in North America serviced by the (now) Which means that anyone from anywhere in the world can attend class and access an amazing education from an amazing college or university. 

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Teaching, Training, Coaching, Mentoring

"The EDUCAUSE Annual Conference connects the best thinkers in higher education technology. Join the (now) in San Antonio October 21–24, and online November 13–14. This is THE event where professionals and technology providers from around the world gather to network, share ideas, grow professionally, and discover solutions to today’s challenges. It’s the largest gathering of your peers…people you can relate to, learn from, and stay connected to throughout the year." ~ | CEO |

That was my blurb promoting EDUCAUSE. If you are in education at any level (teaching, training, coaching, mentoring) you should attend EDUCAUSE LIVE or virtually. It is by far the best conference of the year. So far over 3,000+ DLA members have already registered to attend. 

I ran since the days of dial-up Internet. Back in the day, 'Distance Education' was putting VHS tapes in envelopes and mailing them out. 

I remember my days at PURDUE. I live 735.3 miles East of PURDUE campus, and I must have made that trip a few dozen times in the 80s. I also remember flying home a few times for the holidays. It was cool that PURDUE had its own airport. As I reflect on my days at PURDUE, I am reflecting on the classroom experience.

The lecture halls were huge. And way down in front would be a Professor, with a Overhead Projector. Oh man, the memories of going to EE129 (Electrical Engineering 129) Lecture Hall at PURDUE to listen to a lecture, with a grease pencil in the hands of a teacher. I remember taking Freshman Calculus in that room, with probably over 1,000 other students. Several lectures a day, several hundred students (shuffling in and out) of EE129, to watch a teacher with a PhD do Calculus, on the overhead. I remember one time, the 'bulb' burned out in the Overhead five minutes into the lecture, and class was dismissed

Today, in 2024 I think back about how many times I drove back and forth to PURDUE in West Lafayette, Indiana. I think about how there were 'some' classes (like Chemistry Lab) where you HAD to physically be on campus. But English? Or Calculus? I am reflecting how many times I made the trip to PURDUE just so that I could sit in a lecture hall with that Overhead Projector. Today, you can do that lecture via Zoom, or maybe even via YouTube. I could have easily attended PURDUE Freshman Calculus from home, if the technology existed in the day.

FOR THE FIRST TIME, there are more people paying tuition to attend college or university online (remote) than from a traditional campus. No dorm rooms (or meal plans) required. And now via high speed global Internet via services like Starlink, you can truly attend PURDUE UNIVERSITY ONLINE from anywhere in the world. 

There are 174K+ (K-20) portfolio schools serviced by the across North America. And they are all fighting for the same tuition dollar. I am sure that this year at EDUCAUSE we shall see many new and amazing education technologies, and TBLS (Technology Based Learning Systems). There is no longer a 'geographic boundary' that separates a RUTGERS from a PURDUE from a UCONN (or any school). All 8 Ivy League Schools offer online programs. has been live on our website for many years. 

What will become the next Overhead Projector? I wonder what education technology will become 'just a memory' of days gone by - and trigger conversations of "Hey - do you remember sitting in a lecture hall, watching someone draw with a grease pencil on a piece of plastic?" And of course, we had to take notes.... in a notebook. With pen and paper. How about this memory:

"Hey, I missed class - can I see your (handwritten) notes from the lecture?" 

Ah yes, good times. 

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Who are you and what do you do?

Tomorrow I'll record (another) CoffeeInTheClouds video podcast interview. This time with the amazing Judah Taub, Managing Partner at Hertz Ventures (Forbes 30 Under 30).

When I first started doing my podcast it was audio only. Then it became a video podcast, Powered by Zoom. I am pretty sure that over the course of 100+ interviews, I always open with the same question:

"Who are you and what do you do?"

I'll do the interview from my home office in BOONTON USA. There is only 'one' Boonton in the entire USA, and it is always nice to make a note of that. 

Boonton New Jersey is around 30 miles West of New York City. The Big Apple. The 'Center of the Known Universe' if you want to be cute about it. Now that I get the Senior Discount (sigh) round-trip from BOONTON USA to THE BIG APPLE is around $18. This past Thursday we had event(s) plural at Chelsea Piers and at Javits Convention Center. In a typical year, prior to COVID-19 Javits Center would host 175+ events, up to 40,000 exhibiting companies and more than two million visitors. I thought to myself how many times did I attend an event at Javits Convention Center, and walk 'serpentine' up and down the rows of booths, working the entire room (like a good salesman should). Now at 64 walking a trade show floor like that is just a distant memory. 

The main reason for going to NYC on Thursday was our 'kick-off' of nationwide marketing for IoT. Internet of Things. Energy. Solar. All things telecom and technology, with a twist. There were around 25 people invited to the kick off of IoT marketing from Chelsea Piers, and I would say that around 50% showed up. That is pretty normal attendance for 'live' events. 

Last week was also the annual Zoomtopia event with people both attending LIVE and virtually from all around the world. I attended THAT one via Zoom, from.... BOONTON USA. No need for me to fly to CA for that one. Last year I did attend Zoomtopia LIVE in CA with 3,500 onsite/60,000 virtual reported attendees. Not sure about the numbers for this year, but I would predict higher. Short version: Virtual event companies beware. Zoom has remarkable hybrid implementation.

As I write my Sunday Blog from good ol' BOONTON USA I think about how I saw a 'video phone' for the first time at the 1964 World's Fair. So around 59 years ago we went from thinking about the amazing future of video, to in 2024 telling the entire world to  And maybe, if you do indeed you don't need to get a hotel room, or buy an airplane ticket. You can do it all from home. 

And, I am thinking about how for the first time in history, more people are paying tuition for an online education, from anywhere in the world. They will never step foot in North America for their education. So, you can attend a school like or or from Nigeria, or Nepal. And of course from Nebraska

I walked from the Port Authority Bus Terminal to Chelsea Piers, with my first stop at Javits Convention Center. I walked the Hudson River, watching the helicopters land, with their VIP passengers. And, when I got to our IoT event, I was able to watch 200' yachts come and go from the docks. And I thought to myself, would it not be cool to walk up to someone coming off their yacht, or deboarding from their 'chopper' to their waiting Black SUV (with driver) and ask them:

"Who are you, and what do you do?"

Chelsea Piers NYC

Sunday, October 6, 2024

How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference

I walk my dog every day. Our current dog 'Konta' is a rescue. Our dogs went as follows: Norton, Casey, Bella, Colin, Mandy, and now Konta. Our black lab Norton was a purchase - all others were rescues. There are several dog parks where I live in North New Jersey. There are a few where you can let the dog off leash, but most of the parks require a leash. Which is fine. 

I am a big fan of Audible. Especially when the books are read by the author. The ability to have a book - business book or fiction 'read to me' while I am walking Konta in the woods is, well, a little thing. 

But today something hit me. As I was walking in the woods, looking at the leaves falling, seeing the sun getting ready to set between the trees, it just felt very different this time. It felt like Malcolm Gladwell was walking along side me.

I read Malcolm's book 'The Tipping Point' when it first came out - hardcover. His new book, 
'Revenge of the Tipping Point' is in my Audible library. It came out on 10/1/2024 and I bought it that same day. So now, when I walk Konta, usually at around an hour before sunset, Malcolm Gladwell joins us.

This is going to be one of my shorter Sunday Blogs. I did not write it until 5:25 PM EST - after returning from the dog park. I was compelled to take pictures today, as we walked through the woods, just Konta and me. And, of course, Malcolm. 

It hit me when I got back to the car. About how the little things can indeed make such a big difference. How listening to a book on Audible - in the woods - away from people - is very different. I guess we could have been on the beach, or in Central Park in NYC, or just about anywhere. And I guess that there could be a million people right this minute listening to Malcolm's new book on Audible. They could be on a plane, in a car, or listening from anywhere in the world. 

Audible, Inc. was founded in 1995 by Don Katz, who came up with the idea while jogging in Riverside Park in Manhattan: 

1995: Audible is founded 
1997: Audible releases the Audible Mobile Player, the world's first commercially available portable digital audio player 
1999: Audible goes public on NASDAQ 
2000: Audible introduces its first subscription model 
2003: Audible becomes Apple's exclusive audiobook provider 
2004: Audible launches in Germany 
2005: Audible launches in the UK and France 
2008: Amazon buys Audible for $300 million 

The Audible early years were challenging, including a stock market crash and the death of its CEO, Andrew J. Huffman. It took the company 10 years to turn a profit. It was in the early to mid-2010s, that Audible service began to really take off. How much revenue does Audible generate? As of September 2024, annual revenue reached $750M.

So, I am a little reflective today. I am thinking about how Audible went from an idea while jogging in the park, to going public, to becoming part of Amazon. I am thinking about how Audible had a Tipping Point.

I am reflecting how I rarely read books any longer, but how much I enjoy having books 'read to me' by the author - folks like Malcolm Gladwell. And, I am reflecting how 'the little things' become the big things, like rescuing dogs and going to the dog park. Or walking in the woods. Every. Day. 

Just me, Konta and Malcolm. 


Sunday, September 29, 2024

What's in your mailbox?

If you are on a smartphone, hold phone sideways (landscape mode)

The first 'MTP' company that I ever launched was 

I was selling telecom and technology since 1983, starting with NYNEX and 'Car Phones'. Remember when you had to INSTALL a phone into the car - no such thing as portable phones. I was selling BlackBerry phones and service, and Satellite Phone Service to the NYC Maritime niche market

DID YOU KNOW that NYC became 'what it became' because it was a natural deep water port? It was from the 'Maritime' roots that New York became the financial center of the world. And then, 'Maritime Towns' were where the people lived. Name a major population center in the USA: it is near the water. Boston. Baltimore. Miami. LA. Chicago. The Great Lakes count. You can carry this logic out around the world, not just North America. London. Hong Kong. Maritime = Money. 

Anyway... because I was selling communications and technology to the Maritime Industry, it also allowed me to attend boat shows, and - to meet folks that own and purchase yachts. 

I will probably never own a Yacht. Most people, will never own a yacht. But those people who do own yachts are the people that own many things. Most of the folks that own yachts founded companies like Microsoft or Facebook or Amazon or SpaceX. But they are all still... people

And yet, there are thousands of people that own yachts. It's a big industry. And these people (even the very rich) do business with people. Even billionaires and the very rich do business with people that they like, and people that they trust

Here is the cool thing that I learned from this Maritime journey. Really rich people, pay people to do things for them. To buy things for them. They don't 'shop' for things, most of the time. They have staff. Their staff has staff. They rarely buy things themselves. Their time is too valuable to be doing things that can be outsourced or can be delegated to others. But there are a few things where billionaires do get involved. There are a few things where they are still very 'hands on' in the sales process. Their yachts. 

One of my best friends from my 'Maritime Days talks directly to Billionaires all the time. Here is a 'blurb' from his current LinkedIn profile:

As the Group Chief Operating Officer & Executive Vice President of XXX's Superyacht Division, I lead a global team across multiple prestigious brands, delivering unmatched service and results to an elite clientele. With over a decade of C-level leadership, I specialize in customer acquisition, strategic marketing, operational excellence, mergers and acquisitions, and financial oversight. My passion lies in crafting innovative, customer-first strategies that consistently drive substantial revenue growth in the luxury lifestyle industry.

Having implemented transformative growth strategies that have resulted in exponential gains over nearly two decades, I have a proven track record in elevating brands to new heights. One of my most significant achievements includes structuring the sale of the world’s largest publicly traded recreational boat and yacht retailer, where I represented the selling side as an owner. Since then, I have spearheaded multiple strategic acquisitions contributing to its expansive global footprint.

I am driven by a deep commitment to delivering unparalleled value to our brands, clients, and the luxury industry, continually pushing boundaries to redefine success.

Now it is 2024, and I am back to servicing the Maritime Industry for high-speed global Internet and communications. As a Master Agent for companies like AireSpring (now with and we are delivering global communications to everywhere from anywhere.  

And also in 2024, my youngest son is deep in the 'Insurance Game' with a focus and concentration on high-wealth clients. Billionaires will not buy their necessary Insurance themselves - they have CFOs and such for that. Ah, but the VITOs (Very Important Top Officers) who work for and report to the Billionaires will take the call - if their boss passes on the information. Ah yes, it's not what you know but who you know - and how well you know them. Everyone has 'a guy or a gal' that they will share with their inner circle. 

I have been in Sales and Marketing all my life - even when selling electronics from my dorm room at PURDUE. I know the value of getting to the decision maker. I learned early on in my business career that "he who controls the checkbook controls the company." 

Personally, I will probably never become a billionaire. But I can live my life in a way, and run my companies in a way that the world is rooting for me. I wonder if my son will see today's blog....

Hey ...look... INSURANCE!

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Now THAT is Incredible!


My wife found this 'The INCREDIBLES' placemat at a garage sale, and now it's mine. 

Released in October 2004 this lauded Pixar animated film, married superheroes Mr. Incredible (Craig T. Nelson) and Elastigirl (Holly Hunter) are forced to assume mundane lives as Bob and Helen Parr after all super-powered activities have been banned by the government. While Mr. Incredible loves his wife and kids, he longs to return to a life of adventure, and he gets a chance when summoned to an island to battle an out-of-control robot. Soon, Mr. Incredible is in trouble, and it's up to his family to save him.

I love the history of Pixar, and how in 1986 Steve Jobs acquired the computer graphics division of Lucasfilm, Ltd. and renamed it Pixar Animation Studios. He remained CEO and majority shareholder at 50.1% until its acquisition by The Walt Disney Company on May 5, 2006.

Steve Jobs helped to revolutionize Animated Movies. Pixar computer-generated animation kicked off a renaissance in animated films — including blockbusters Toy Story, Finding Nemo and Wall-E. After Steve Jobs left Apple in 1985, he bought Pixar from George Lucas Oct 6, 2011.

Pixar has produced 28 feature films, which were all released by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures through the Walt Disney Pictures banner, with its first being Toy Story (which was also the first CGI-animated feature ever theatrically released) on November 22, 1995, and its latest being Inside Out 2 on June 14, 2024. “Inside Out 2” surpassed “Incredibles 2” to become Pixar's highest-grossing film at the worldwide box office, not adjusted for inflation, and the fourth highest-grossing animated film of all time, according to The Hollywood Reporter. 

OK, pivot!

For the first time, there are more people paying tuition for an online education than a traditional campus education. For the first time, more students (including High School students) are taking college classes from anywhere in the world. Kids (can I call them kids?) are going to graduate from an accredited college and/or university located in North America - and they will never step foot in North America. 

Pixar originated at the New York Institute of Technology ( in the 1970s, where a team of computer scientists developed the Pixar Image Computer. Pixar has been a subsidiary of Walt Disney Studios since 2006. 

And.... was 'born' at (just like Pixar). 

Stan Silverman has been a key figure in the evolution of instructional technology throughout New York state, and an advisor to numerous technology projects across the nation. He is the director of Technology Based Learning Systems (TBLS). This research and development program has been a leading site for testing new educational technology products in their state of the art instruction and video conferencing facilities. He is also a Founding Senior Fellow in the Office of Online and Continuing Education.

TBLS has been a leader in Instructional Technology for K–12 schools for over 25 years. It has worked with the New York State Teacher Centers to create the Online Academy and with Nassau BOCES on a Virtual Learning Space grant to create self-paced and facilitated courses. New York Tech has also hosted the longest running K–12 educational network in the country.

If there was no Steve Jobs, there would be no Pixar. If there was no Stan Silverman of there would be no ( and now 

So as it turns out gave birth to Pixar and to The Distance Learning Association

I met Stan Silverman on NYIT campus, right after 9/11. At the time I owned as we sold the technology that 'makes distance learning work'. The Statue of Liberty was closed due to the terrorist attacks - and they wanted to do 'virtual class trips' for the kids via videoconferencing. And to win the bid for videoconferencing for National Parks Service - you had to 'pass muster' with Stan. I remember like it was yesterday, driving out to Long Island Campus to meet Stan 'IRL'. To explain what we did, how we did it, why we were the right company for the job. It was Stan that backed me, and MTP. And from MTP, the was born and the rest, as they say, is history. 

If there was no Steve Jobs, there would be no Pixar. At least not the way we know it today. 

If there was no Stan Silverman, there would be no 'DLA'. At least not the way we know it today. 

And so I reflect on this Sunday Morning on 9/22/2024 - if there was no there would be no Pixar, and no DLA.  And THAT is what I find to be...


“Incredibles 3” is in development at Pixar Animation Studios, with writer-director Brad Bird — who helmed 2004's “The Incredibles” and 2018's “Incredibles 2” — returning for the threequel. Pixar chief Pete Docter made the announcement on Friday during Disney's epic presentation of its upcoming projects at the D23 Expo. Aug 9, 2024

Sunday, September 15, 2024

It's all about the date, eh?


It's all about the date, eh?

We first met our friends at Domo at the US OPEN back in 2015. I remember it like it was yesterday, me yelling upstairs to my son: "Hey Tommy, do you want to go to the US OPEN on Thursday?" Being a MIS/IT major at the time, Tommy was jazzed to meet the folks from

I also remember going to Yankee Stadium with - again back in 2015. Once again it was "Hey Tommy, do you want to go to a Yankee game with me with the folks from" I'm pretty sure this time he yelled back from upstairs with not a simple yes but with a HELL YES. So now thinking about it, the Yankee Game with Domo was first (May 2015) and then the US OPEN (September, 2015). 

Gotta get 'the data of the dates' right. Right? 

And now this past week, members of the attended a Domo Lunch 'n Learn in NYC at Rockefeller Center. By my best count, there was way more than a hundred DLA members LIVE in the room. The presentations were excellent from the leadership of Domo, as well as from many Domo customers who detailed their success stories. 

One thing that was cool was I was able to also attend a mandatory online training with vendor/sponsor AireSpring. I was able to use one of the 'break-out rooms' setting up camp with my multi-screen laptop. So, attending the event LIVE LIVE with Domo and then LIVE (virtually) with AireSpring - on the same day - made me smile. I was on the AireSpring training on my phone - in the elevator - then on my laptop - seamless transition. I was so proud of myself- remote work - expert level. Ah, but I digress....

I knew back in 2015 that all things Domo would be an amazing fit for the community. The 'big data' movement was just taking off. The buzz about AI and our global business (and entertainment) future run by 'data' was just starting to take hold. I watched the BAIT major at RUTGERS (Business Analytics & Information Technology) go from zero students, to becoming one of the most popular majors in the university. This theme has held true for schools across the country. 

Tommy could not attend last week's event at Rockefeller Center. It was not lost on me, that our country's first BILLIONAIRE made his money on OIL. And how it's been said that "Data is the New Oil." And how we were attending the Domo Lunch 'n Learn from the 27th floor of Rockefeller Plaza, a cathedral of business that was built from 'big oil' money and how now in 2024 we are talking about big DATA. And, how without data there would (could be) no AI

”In God we trust. All others must bring data.” 

This quote, made by W. Edwards Deming, refers mainly to the importance of data measurement and analysis when doing business. While on the phone with Tommy this week, telling him all about the Domo event I gave him one of my personal witty quotes: "Reports are only important if read by the King." In other words, the data is only important if you are going to DO SOMETHING with the data. 

So, let's land the plane, shall we?

It's all about the date, eh? Did you catch the pun? 2015 > 2024 and now we shall be offering all things Domo to the (now global) membership of the  And, many of the 174K+ (K-20) schools of the DLA community are teaching 'data' and 'AI' via online classes. 

Data related majors are the most popular areas of study in the 2024 (online) school year. Our schools can add Domo to Business Intelligence and Analytics courses and empower students with next-generation data skills. The NYDLA Domo for Higher Education program enables teaching Domo technologies to BI and Analytics students — at no cost to instructors or educational institutions. And it prepares students for a job market that demands data literacy and skills.

Ok, so now you are all up to date, eh? 

NYDLA & Domo at Yankee Stadium - 2015