Sunday, September 29, 2024

What's in your mailbox?

If you are on a smartphone, hold phone sideways (landscape mode)

The first 'MTP' company that I ever launched was 

I was selling telecom and technology since 1983, starting with NYNEX and 'Car Phones'. Remember when you had to INSTALL a phone into the car - no such thing as portable phones. I was selling BlackBerry phones and service, and Satellite Phone Service to the NYC Maritime niche market

DID YOU KNOW that NYC became 'what it became' because it was a natural deep water port? It was from the 'Maritime' roots that New York became the financial center of the world. And then, 'Maritime Towns' were where the people lived. Name a major population center in the USA: it is near the water. Boston. Baltimore. Miami. LA. Chicago. The Great Lakes count. You can carry this logic out around the world, not just North America. London. Hong Kong. Maritime = Money. 

Anyway... because I was selling communications and technology to the Maritime Industry, it also allowed me to attend boat shows, and - to meet folks that own and purchase yachts. 

I will probably never own a Yacht. Most people, will never own a yacht. But those people who do own yachts are the people that own many things. Most of the folks that own yachts founded companies like Microsoft or Facebook or Amazon or SpaceX. But they are all still... people

And yet, there are thousands of people that own yachts. It's a big industry. And these people (even the very rich) do business with people. Even billionaires and the very rich do business with people that they like, and people that they trust

Here is the cool thing that I learned from this Maritime journey. Really rich people, pay people to do things for them. To buy things for them. They don't 'shop' for things, most of the time. They have staff. Their staff has staff. They rarely buy things themselves. Their time is too valuable to be doing things that can be outsourced or can be delegated to others. But there are a few things where billionaires do get involved. There are a few things where they are still very 'hands on' in the sales process. Their yachts. 

One of my best friends from my 'Maritime Days talks directly to Billionaires all the time. Here is a 'blurb' from his current LinkedIn profile:

As the Group Chief Operating Officer & Executive Vice President of XXX's Superyacht Division, I lead a global team across multiple prestigious brands, delivering unmatched service and results to an elite clientele. With over a decade of C-level leadership, I specialize in customer acquisition, strategic marketing, operational excellence, mergers and acquisitions, and financial oversight. My passion lies in crafting innovative, customer-first strategies that consistently drive substantial revenue growth in the luxury lifestyle industry.

Having implemented transformative growth strategies that have resulted in exponential gains over nearly two decades, I have a proven track record in elevating brands to new heights. One of my most significant achievements includes structuring the sale of the world’s largest publicly traded recreational boat and yacht retailer, where I represented the selling side as an owner. Since then, I have spearheaded multiple strategic acquisitions contributing to its expansive global footprint.

I am driven by a deep commitment to delivering unparalleled value to our brands, clients, and the luxury industry, continually pushing boundaries to redefine success.

Now it is 2024, and I am back to servicing the Maritime Industry for high-speed global Internet and communications. As a Master Agent for companies like AireSpring (now with and we are delivering global communications to everywhere from anywhere.  

And also in 2024, my youngest son is deep in the 'Insurance Game' with a focus and concentration on high-wealth clients. Billionaires will not buy their necessary Insurance themselves - they have CFOs and such for that. Ah, but the VITOs (Very Important Top Officers) who work for and report to the Billionaires will take the call - if their boss passes on the information. Ah yes, it's not what you know but who you know - and how well you know them. Everyone has 'a guy or a gal' that they will share with their inner circle. 

I have been in Sales and Marketing all my life - even when selling electronics from my dorm room at PURDUE. I know the value of getting to the decision maker. I learned early on in my business career that "he who controls the checkbook controls the company." 

Personally, I will probably never become a billionaire. But I can live my life in a way, and run my companies in a way that the world is rooting for me. I wonder if my son will see today's blog....

Hey ...look... INSURANCE!

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