Sunday, August 18, 2024

You better be kidding

If you are on a smartphone, hold phone sideways (landscape mode) 

Alice's Kids is the official charity of the

I am not really sure how or where I came across but I sent this email on 12/10/2019 at 10:31 AM EST to: 

"I would like to learn about what you do, and possibly do a video podcast to help your cause."

At 3:18 PM EST the same day:

Thomas, thanks so much for contacting us.  Of course, I would be happy to talk to you more about our work.  My time is rather flexible for a meeting or phone call.  What's your time look like?    Ron

Ron Fitzsimmons, Executive Director, Alice's Kids,

I invited Ron to a Zoom meeting and his response was classic:

"Not sure what a zoom meeting is, but happy to talk to Amy."

Well, 'Amy' at the time was my AI robot that managed my calendar. And Zoom was, well.... WAS ZOOM.    

And so began a wonderful friendship with my 'technology challenged' friend Ron. And yesterday, I met Ron Fitzsimmons, Executive Director, Alice's Kids, (IRL)  And just in case Ron is reading this, IRL means "In Real Life". 

I don't want to steal my own thunder here, but we did do a video podcast, and it became one of our most watched interviews / video podcasts of all time. That was my original intent, to use our COMMUNITY - to use the PLATFORM of the to help to spread the word about Alice's Kids. 

I am very active on social media, Ron is not. I love telecom and technology, Ron does not. It became clear to me that one way that I could help Ron and Alice's Kids is to offer them access to our technology, our staff, our assets, our knowledge, our talent. All for the good of Alice's Kids. And when and where I could do so at no charge, I would. And, I would make Alice's Kids the Official Charity of the All of this would be the best use of my position at the 

Check out "The vast majority of our donors are individuals and some are celebrities in their field. Their support magnifies our work and helps us reach even more donors!"

A few years ago, via one of our random Tweets, Comedian/Actor Patton Oswalt learned of Alice's Kids. He donated $5,000 out of the blue. It turns out that Alice's Kids caught his attention, because Patton's daughter's name is Alice.

Because Patton Oswalt became a supporter, Writer/Actress Nancy Carell became aware of Alice's Kids and she became a supporter, donating thousands of dollars. As did her Actor husband Steve Carell. And then Actor/Musician Kevin Bacon - and you know that 'everyone in the world' is only seven people away from Kevin Bacon, right??? Or is it six? 

In a three-round run on Celebrity Jeopardy, comedian Patton Oswalt won $250,000 to benefit Alice’s Kids. This is one of many charitable efforts Oswalt has participated in for Alice’s Kids. When Ron called Patton to thank him, Patton's first words to Ron were "I'm so sorry! I just missed winning you the million by one dollar!" 

Someone from the Fairfax County, VA area learned of all of this, and reached out to Ron, telling him that "they would like to match" the winning funds of Patton Oswalt, $250,000. And so it continues... I would ask that everyone read this. I think you will understand why in 2019 it was clear to me that Alice's Kids should be the official charity of the 

When I met with Ron Fitzsimmons yesterday in good ol' BOONTON USA, it was our first time meeting in person. Many years after our first Zoom meeting. Ron's first words to me: 'damn, you are tall....'  No handshake for us, it was an immediate hug. 

Here is the point of today's Sunday Blog. Show up. Take the call, make the call. Go to the meeting, go to the event. There is power and energy in activity, in motion, in movement. Everything is connected. 

Would Patton Oswalt have come across Alice's Kids if was not for that random Tweet of ours? Who knows, maybe. Would you know about Alice's Kids if you did not read my Sunday Blog today? Who can say, but we do have it in the main menu bar of and we do get millions of visitors every year. 

Yesterday Ron shared with me that a 'big time' Oscar Winning Hollywood producer is planning on doing a documentary all about Alice's Kids. 

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