Sunday, July 19, 2020

Bring it home!

5.5M+ members of the were invited to attend the TELEHEALTH INNOVATION FORUM, July 21-22, 2020. From home.

Last week, we attended Workplace TRANSFORM which was LIVE at 5:00 AM EST because it was broadcast live from London. Anyone who did not attend the event live can watch the 90 minute archive on demand via

Last month we had 32,000+ attend COLLISION FROM HOME. We expect 100,000+ to attend Web Summit in December. From home. 

All of this movement "to the cloud" was already happening last year. Heck, we have been making the pilgrimage to the cloud for years. But the pandemic forced years of movement to happen in a matter of months. 

BROADWAY in The Big Apple might never come back. How painful to say that word - never. There is nothing more powerful than a live performance on Broadway. I have my fingers crossed that some really smart people will figure out how to bring Times Square and Broadway (and Off Broadway) back to life. 

Just last night, I attended a virtual book signing for one of our comic friends, Mike Birbiglia. If you bought his new book, you were invited to his virtual book signing, on Zoom. It was cool. Normally, we would all meet up in NYC at one of the cool boutique bookstores. Sometimes the line would stretch around the block. Last night thousands attended the book signing. From all around the world. 

My own son will be having a "Zoom Wedding" this year. Check out for amazing stories of how the world is now 

We are all moving at light speed into the new world of virtual EVERYTHING. Virtual teaching, virtual training, virtual coaching. Telemedicine has become just MEDICINE. Distance Education has become just EDUCATION. Remote Work has become just WORK. Meetings, Events, Weddings, Parties, Book Signings, every day some "new thing" is being done via technology. 

There will be a day in the future (not tomorrow, but one day) where we shall be able to meet in groups, like we did last year. We might never shake hands again, but we shall be in the same room. 

For now, just sit back and continue to be amazed at how technology is changing our world forever. 

Oh but do first. Then sit back.  

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