Sunday, October 6, 2024

How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference

I walk my dog every day. Our current dog 'Konta' is a rescue. Our dogs went as follows: Norton, Casey, Bella, Colin, Mandy, and now Konta. Our black lab Norton was a purchase - all others were rescues. There are several dog parks where I live in North New Jersey. There are a few where you can let the dog off leash, but most of the parks require a leash. Which is fine. 

I am a big fan of Audible. Especially when the books are read by the author. The ability to have a book - business book or fiction 'read to me' while I am walking Konta in the woods is, well, a little thing. 

But today something hit me. As I was walking in the woods, looking at the leaves falling, seeing the sun getting ready to set between the trees, it just felt very different this time. It felt like Malcolm Gladwell was walking along side me.

I read Malcolm's book 'The Tipping Point' when it first came out - hardcover. His new book, 
'Revenge of the Tipping Point' is in my Audible library. It came out on 10/1/2024 and I bought it that same day. So now, when I walk Konta, usually at around an hour before sunset, Malcolm Gladwell joins us.

This is going to be one of my shorter Sunday Blogs. I did not write it until 5:25 PM EST - after returning from the dog park. I was compelled to take pictures today, as we walked through the woods, just Konta and me. And, of course, Malcolm. 

It hit me when I got back to the car. About how the little things can indeed make such a big difference. How listening to a book on Audible - in the woods - away from people - is very different. I guess we could have been on the beach, or in Central Park in NYC, or just about anywhere. And I guess that there could be a million people right this minute listening to Malcolm's new book on Audible. They could be on a plane, in a car, or listening from anywhere in the world. 

Audible, Inc. was founded in 1995 by Don Katz, who came up with the idea while jogging in Riverside Park in Manhattan: 

1995: Audible is founded 
1997: Audible releases the Audible Mobile Player, the world's first commercially available portable digital audio player 
1999: Audible goes public on NASDAQ 
2000: Audible introduces its first subscription model 
2003: Audible becomes Apple's exclusive audiobook provider 
2004: Audible launches in Germany 
2005: Audible launches in the UK and France 
2008: Amazon buys Audible for $300 million 

The Audible early years were challenging, including a stock market crash and the death of its CEO, Andrew J. Huffman. It took the company 10 years to turn a profit. It was in the early to mid-2010s, that Audible service began to really take off. How much revenue does Audible generate? As of September 2024, annual revenue reached $750M.

So, I am a little reflective today. I am thinking about how Audible went from an idea while jogging in the park, to going public, to becoming part of Amazon. I am thinking about how Audible had a Tipping Point.

I am reflecting how I rarely read books any longer, but how much I enjoy having books 'read to me' by the author - folks like Malcolm Gladwell. And, I am reflecting how 'the little things' become the big things, like rescuing dogs and going to the dog park. Or walking in the woods. Every. Day. 

Just me, Konta and Malcolm. 


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