Sunday, September 8, 2024

Where did you go to Collage?

If you are on a smartphone, hold phone sideways (landscape mode) 

A Collage is a technique of art creation, primarily used in the visual arts, but in music too, by which art results from an assemblage of different forms, thus creating a new whole. Not to be confused with college - an institution where students study after they have left secondary school.  And of course never to be confused with a university - a higher education institution that offers a variety of academic programs and degrees, including undergraduate, graduate, and professional degrees. 

Universities are typically larger than colleges and have a broader curriculum. They often include a college of liberal arts and sciences, as well as graduate and professional schools.

For the first time ever, more students (from around the world) are paying tuition to attend a college or university FROM HOME, rather than from a traditional campus. And for the first time, more High School students are taking college level courses - from home - online. In fact, the quality of education online is now testing higher than for students who live on a college campus. 

Quality of Life | Quality of Education | Expert Level.

COVID and the pandemic changed our world forever. The lock-downs and the fact that if it was not for Zoom there would be no school at all - happened. We have been talking about 'Telemedicine' since the 1964 World Fair in New York. COVID made Telemedicine 'happen' and now there is no going back. So many things happened to our world since I went to collage. Ah, I mean COLLEGE

I made the trip to PURDUE from BOONTON USA when I was 17 years old, in my Chevy Nova. It was not a new car, so it was best to not go back and forth the 739 miles. So I would fly home most of the time, leaving my car on campus. After freshman year, my Dad bought me a Firebird Trans Am (new) and I would ALWAYS DRIVE from there. Yeah, I was spoiled. Moving on....

Going to college meant just that: you GO. As in, load up the car, move into the dorm room, and live on campus. Meal plans at the dorm. Some kids were commuters, living (and eating) at home. When I went to RUTGERS School of Business (New Brunswick) it was 40 miles from BOONTON USA. So that was an easy commute - in my 1979 Firebird Trans Am. I had an AMAZING car stereo. Moving on...

1978: where did you GO to college?

2024: where did you ATTEND college? 

Ah so. Thanks to the amazing technology of the day, you can ATTEND college or university today, from anywhere in the world. You do not need to physically live on a college or university campus. And, you can take courses from multiple different colleges and universities, from anywhere in the world. You do not need to leave your home country (and move to North America) for a quality education. 

And so, now in 2024 there is a new normal. There are 174K+ (K-20) schools in the North American Distance Learning Association ( portfolio. Many name brands schools, all 8 Ivy League Schools, and many (many) smaller schools that you probably never heard of - and yet they are AMAZING. But now via the power of global high-speed Internet, anyone from anywhere can attend college or university from anywhere

And, we now have (wait for it...) a collage of colleges. You are not limited to the syllabus of any one school. You are not limited to the subject matter expertise of any one teacher or professor. Of course you are more than welcome to pay tuition and pay for a dorm room and live on a college or university campus, like I did. Ah, until I did not (commuting to RUTGERS, every day). 

A COLLAGE of COLLEGES. I like the sound of that. You. From your home. From ANYWHERE in the world. You can teach, train, coach, mentor, live, learn, work, play in the (now GLOBAL) cloud economy. You don't have to pick any 'one' school - you can attend......

All of them. 

And you can do it all from home. And home is where the WiFi is.... thanks to AireSpring GLOBAL and that can now be anywhere.... 

Hey - you DID right? 

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