Sunday, February 27, 2022

Beware the Limelight

If you are reading on a smartphone, use landscape / hold phone sideways. 

Limelight (also known as Drummond light or calcium light) is a type of stage lighting once used in theaters and music halls. Although it has long been replaced by electric lighting, the term has nonetheless survived, as someone in the public eye is still said to be "in the limelight". 

Ah, the Limelight. The center of public attention. The catbird seat, center stage, spotlight, top billing. 

Limelight is one of those words inspired by the theater. Upstage is another: you might think an actor trying to capture the audience's attention would move TOWARD, rather than away from, the front of the stage. But in theater, upstaging comes up when an actor moves to the BACK part of the stage before speaking their lines - thereby forcing the other actors on the stage to turn their backs to the audience, so that the speaker is the only character seen from the front.

Comedy of Errors is from William Shakespeare, from the 1500s. The phrase refers to any effort or event that is subject to a series of mishaps, whether dramatic or in real life.

Waiting in the Wings refers to the areas on each side of the stage, just out of sight from the audience, where an actor awaits the cue to enter the scene. Something that waits in the wings, therefore, is close at hand or readily available, or in a stage of planning or development. 

And when you Bring Down the House, you have audiences that express unbridled approval after a performance. It goes against common sense, that a large crowd's enthusiastic applause could be so thunderous that it cause structural damage to the building. 

A regular feature of classical Greek drama is the Greek Chorus, members who would sing or wail with commentary on the events of the play, particularly those with a moral angle. Think of the Oompa Loompas singing after each kid misbehaves in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. Such commentary is often delivered directly to the audience. 

Ah, but let's look deeper. Limelights weren't originally meant for the theater. Thomas Drummond intended his invention, developed in 1816, to provide safety lighting for boats and ships traveling along dark coasts. That didn't work out practically, but the projection of an oxyhydrogen flame onto a cylinder of lime and then concentrated through a lens provided the right kind of direct illumination for playhouses. 

Tom? Where are you going...

Well, let's try to use them all, shall we? Donald Trump, "The Donald" has spent his entire life, trying to be in the limelight. His massive ego knows no bounds. The self-proclaimed Stable Genius. The "no one but me can fix it" guy. The Trump Presidency was a Comedy of Errors, with a Greek Chorus of GOP sycophants and "The MAGAs" who Bring Down the House when The Donald spins his web of lies. Vladimir Putin saw this useful idiot acting out for years - and - Putin was Waiting in the Wings to enter the scene! And now, Vlad is trying to upstage Donald as the world's nemesis of democracy! 

"The MAGAs"

Hero is another word from ancient theater. Myth, legend. A person of great strength and courage, favored by the gods. The central figure in any important event or period, honored for outstanding qualities. A role model. 

Sorry Donald, your time in the limelight is done. You have been recast. Also, the Department of Justice would like a word. 

 And Vlad, you screwed up - really bad this time. Your long and painful Greek Tragedy is coming to an end. America - I think the limelight is now clearly shining on a new hero on the world stage, don't you agree? With a little help from his friends. 

And, scene.

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